Journey toward happiness

April 27, 2010

A few things….

Filed under: environment, Fun, North Carolina, Uncategorized — Tara @ 11:58 am

I have not been very active with my blog lately. A lot has been going on(see previous post). I can’t help but wonder, why I continue blogging.  I do have a bunch to say, but can’t quite finds the words to say it all. As I sit and ponder where I am in life and where I want to be, I am not sure where blogging fits into the scope of things. Please don’t take me wrong, I am not just giving up and quitting(not anytime soon anyway).  Hopefully, once I get some other things in my life straightened out, blogging will fall into place.

In the mean time, here are some pics from our BIG backyard project.

This is how it started. Just a typical back yard. The only features were the greenhouse and small vegetable garden.

The first mini-project. We used tree limbs and old 4×4 posts for the edging. Lillies  inside.

The new rain barrel catches plenty of water for the plants.

The yard was all tilled and posts holes dug.

The fence completed and the bones of the arbor put  into place.

All done! Yay!!! Now for the planting and weeding and fertilizing and…..

Some of the lovely flowers that are in bloom:

Pink Climbing Rose

Red Climbing Rose

Guinness Columbine

Purple Iris(my favorite)

Hope you enjoyed the little tour through our project. There will be more pictures as other plants bloom.


April 23, 2010


Filed under: Uncategorized — Tara @ 8:42 am

I apologize for the absence. A lot has happened in the past few weeks that has prevented me from blogging. I have experienced serious internet withdrawal!

Last week, I had a temporary job as an Environmental Technician at the Orange County Landfill(Chapel Hill). Six of us were doing a Waste Stream Study. Trust me, it sounds much more glamorous that it actually was. We physically sorted through 5 tons of garbage in one week. Bags were opened, items sorted into 30 categories, categories weighed, then it all started over again. It was definitely the most disgusting experience of my life(and I have seen some nasty stuff!). The good part of it all, is that the study showed what areas of town recycle the most and what areas need more exposure to the recycling program.

During this week, we were also setting up fence posts. 54 holes, 54 posts. Since everyone in the house was working, the posts went in slowly. After I recovered and finally removed the stench from my nostrils, I became more helpful. We actually finished the fence a few days ago. The arbor still needs lattice and we need to make gates.

I forgot to mention that we had a house guest last weekend and part of this week. He was a pleasure to have around, but you  know how guests put your home in disarray. The animals get off their schedules, house work is put aside and replaced with visiting, and eating out becomes the norm. I love our BIG friend from Kentucky and he is always welcome!

Yesterday, I participated in an Earth Day Celebration in Greensboro. It was a lot of fun, but I did not have many sales.  I did make some great contacts, though. I don’t think anyone had many sales. The organization hosting the event did not advertise the vendors very well. Most people loved what they saw, but did not bring money. They did not know that vendors would be there. Anyway, it wasn’t my first rodeo. I am a little disappointed, but not quite heart-broken.

So that is the recap of my crazy two weeks. Probably doesn’t sound like a lot, but trust me it was! Glad to be back in the blog-o-sphere. I will try to put up pics of the fence later.


March 30, 2010

Tuesday’s Teaspoon

Filed under: recipes, Tuesday's Teaspoon — Tags: , — Tara @ 6:20 am

Have I introduced you to Tasty Kitchen? Well, it is a fantastic site set up by the lovely Ree over at The Pioneer Woman. There are tons of delicious recipes! Become a member and you can add your own recipes, make friends or just browse around.

March 28, 2010

Inspiration Sunday

Filed under: Fun, Handmade, Inspiration — Tara @ 6:33 am

All the pretty colors!

March 24, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

Filed under: Wordless Wednesday — Tags: — Tara @ 6:45 am

March 23, 2010

Tuesday’s Teaspoon

Filed under: Fun, Tuesday's Teaspoon — Tags: — Tara @ 6:40 am

Just wanted to share a website that is packed with helpful information! The Farmers’ Almanac. It has information on what day is the best to plant, cut your hair, dig holes, and more. Check it out!


March 21, 2010

My Week

Filed under: animals, Fun, Handmade, recipes — Tara @ 11:05 am

We have had an absolutely beautiful and hectic week in NC. The sun has been shining and the temperature reached 76 degrees yesterday.

We have been very busy working on the new garden in the back yard; taking 150 square feet and turning it into 2500 square feet. The area will have a veggie garden, flower garden, and fire pit. It looks like total chaos right now but,  the pay-off will be worth all the hard work!  Here is a little sneak peek of one of the miniature garden areas that we completed on Monday. We took old 4×4 posts and tree branches and cut them down for the edging. The little tree is a Rose of Sharon and that is surrounded by lilies.

Tuesday was the first soccer game of the season for NC Man’s nephew. He is so cute!

Then Wednesday, St. Patrick’s Day, was Zeke’s third birthday. I made him a doggie cake and he wore a hat as we sang “Happy Birthday”.

He really loves this cake! I make him one every year! The recipe is actually for cookies but, I just bake it all together for the cake. Here is the super easy recipe:

Baby Food Doggie Cookies

3 jars baby food, meat, beef, strained — *see Note

1/4 cup cream of wheat — *see Note
1/4 cup dry milk
Combine ingredients in bowl and mix well. Roll into small balls and
place on well-greased cookie sheet. Flatten slightly with a fork. Bake in
preheated 350 degree oven for 15 min. until brown.
Cool on wire racks and STORE IN REFRIGERATOR. Also freezes well.
NOTE: Carrot, Chicken or Beef baby food. substituting wheat germ for
cream of wheat.


The rest of the week, we have been  in the garden. We are slowly getting all the weeds and roots out.

I hope everyone else had a fun-filled week!


March 17, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tara @ 6:05 am

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